If you were paying attention in my last blog, you’ll know that Autumn is my favourite season. It turns out that I’m also not alone as there are countless other people who share my sentiments, and I know precisely why that is.
Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy the summer, but the problem for me is that after a while if I get too hot, I start to get crankier than a bear with a sore backside that didn’t get much sleep the night before. ‘Heat Rage’ I call it, which is why I prefer the cooler seasons of the year.
Autumn is all about getting cosy in front of the fire, binge-watching your favourite shows, cooking hearty and comforting foods containing more calories than a deep-fried pizza burger smothered in cheese, and finding ways of having fun, despite there being less light and less warmth.
Autumn in the UK is fab, and when you consider the fact that there are so many places to go and so many things to do, it’s easy to see why so many people agree with me on that.
If you’re at a loose end this Autumn and want ideas of things to do, here are se7en fun things to do in the UK during the Autumn.
Enjoy a stroll through the countryside
The British countryside in my mind cannot be beaten, and believe me, I’ve seen the world and have seen some truly special sights.
As gorgeous as the countryside is all year round, for me, Autumn is when it looks its most beautiful. The grass is lush and green, the leaves on the trees are changing from green to yellow, to amber, and to read, and the air just seems to smell fresher.
Whether you’re alone, with friends, or with family, an Autumnal walk through the countryside is the perfect way to spend a brisk Autumn weekend.
As you know, it’s virtually against the law to go walking in the UK countryside and NOT visit a pub, so be sure to call in at a pub afterwards for a traditional pub meal and a cup of tea or a pint.
Visit the coast
I love the coast whatever the weather. In fact, in Autumn, it’s my favourite because it’s quieter, and the waves are usually spectacular.
If you want an Autumn getaway, why not pack your case and head to the coast? The seas will be rough and enthralling, you can get nice and cosy at night, you can enjoy amazing fish and chips, plus it’ll be cheaper than the summer as well.
Go conker picking
Nowadays, kids at school aren’t as interested in playing ‘Conkers’ as they were when I was a boy, as they’re instead more preoccupied with their tablets and Nintendo Switches. Wow, that really did just make me sound incredibly old.
In any event, conker picking in the UK is a quintessentially British thing to do in the autumn, and it is strangely addictive.
Conkers are the seeds of Horse Chestnuts, which fall to the ground during the autumn and turn an amazingly shiny deep brown colour.
These seeds grow in spiky green cases and usually, these cases will split open upon impact, revealing the shiny conker inside. Sometimes, though, you’ll find an unopened case which is where the anticipation really kicks up a gear. Will it be big or small, intact, or broken?
The game of conkers, by the way, is a game whereby conkers are attached to a piece of string and players then take turns whipping their conker into that of their opponent. The objective of the game is to destroy your opponent’s conker whilst keeping yours intact.
Look for a bonfire and fireworks display
In the UK, the 5th of November is known as ‘Bonfire Night’ as it is a night which celebrates the failed attempt of Guy Fawkes, to blow up the Houses of Parliament.
Bonfire Night is the final UK celebration before Xmas as is an awesome Autumn treat.
Here, people will burn huge bonfires and set off fireworks, making for some spectacular views.
Go pumpkin picking
Here in the UK, it seems as if each year we’re taking Halloween more and more seriously, which I think is awesome. I don’t care if it is commercialised, give me overpriced plastic witches and skeletons all day long and have done with it!
As you know, you can’t have Halloween without a carved pumpkin and rather than picking up a boring old pumpkin from the supermarket, why not head to the countryside, put on wellies, grab a wheelbarrow, and go and harvest your very own pumpkin from your nearest pumpkin patch.
Incidentally, pumpkins are sometimes called Jack-O-lanterns and they originated from Ireland. The story goes that ‘Stingy Jack’ was able to trick the devil for money. When Jack died, because of his wrongdoings, he wasn’t allowed in Heaven, and because of what he did to the Devil, Satan himself didn’t want anything to do with Stingy Jack either.
Jack instead roamed the earth in purgatory, looking for a place to rest. To ensure Jack didn’t choose their homes, locals would carve evil demonic faces into turnips to scare Jack away. As Irish immigrants moved to the US, Turnips weren’t readily available, so the Irish would use Pumpkins instead, and that’s why we have carved pumpkins at Halloween.
Carve your pumpkin
Now that you know that old Stingy Jack is still roaming the earth, you’ll want to keep him out of your home this Halloween, after all, if the government finds out you’ve another head under your roof they’ll likely try and get more council tax out of you, and things are tight enough as it is.
In all seriousness, Halloween wouldn’t be Halloween without a carved pumpkin, and there is no better way to spend the last weekend, or any day for that matter, before Halloween than by carving a pumpkin.
Why not look online and get creative? You could even cheat and print out a stencil.
Just be sure to snap a pic in the dark when your pumpkin is lit up, and upload it to social media and see what your friends think of your creation.
Enjoy an Autumn sunset
Autumn and winter sunsets for me just cannot be beaten. Assuming you can find a clear and sunny day, why not head outdoors somewhere picturesque, away from too much light pollution, and watch the sun begin to set.
Autumn sunsets offer amazingly vibrant reds, yellows, oranges, pinks, and purples and have to be seen to be truly appreciated.
The good news for those of you with young kids, or who simply don’t want to be out late, is that in the Autumn, the sun sets earlier and earlier each day.
Why not make a true adventure of it, though, and go camping, complete with sunset, campfire, toasted marshmallows, hot chocolate, and spooky ghost stories!
So get a cosy sweater and go have fun! Autumn is the best for these activities.
Until next time stay safe, stay curious and don’t stop wandering!